Thursday 26 July 2012

Using those store vouchers

For anyone who shops in Sainsburys they will know that they now insist on providing you with lots and lots of paper vouchers 'to reduce your bill' (aka spend more money) next time you shop. Aside from avoiding using them from a 'not giving them even more money' some of them are useful... but I never use them!
Too many vouchers, too little time!

Let me explain. My at-the-till procedure works like this.
1. Frantically bag up my shopping while the cashier keeps sending the items through at light speed.
2. Avoid dropping bags on the floor while finding my wallet.
3. Hand over the cards, completely ignorant of the total sum to be paid.
4. Type in the pin, receive the vouchers and receive and stuff them into the wallet.
5. Exit the supermarket feeling dazed confused and generally unwell.

I will use vouchers, I will use vouchers, I will use vouchers!
As I am always flustered at the checkout I never seem to remember to use the vouchers, even when they would actually save me money! And the scheme where you should be using them because 'they charged you too much last time'? Phhhhft! Never! See they make soooo much money out of me. I eventually get to the point where I can't shut my wallet anymore, I rip all the receipts and vouchers out, realise they are all out of date or useless and put them through the shredder. It always seems so silly when I realise I have about £10 in vouchers that I would have used. I mean who wouldn't say yes to £10 off their shopping?

So I have a plan. Each time I get home and unpack the shopping I *will* check the receipt and pin this on the noticeboard (I do need to think of a better scheme than pinning). At the same time I will check the vouchers and any that I think I may use will get tucked in my card wallet around the appropriate store-card (see I always remember to use my nectar card, isn't that funny?). Fingers crossed this will mean I am more likely to use them (or drop them on the floor as the cashier grabs them off me). Each time I sort through the new vouchers I can remove out-of-date and unused vouchers from the card wallet. Sorted!

Fingers crossed this works!

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